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For Company Managers,

Company managers are always on the lookout for products that will increase production and the bottom line. It can be new computers, new software, perhaps a new desk and chair. There is one new product on the market to make every computer user work smarter and faster called FileButler.

FileButler is the most cost-effective and best ROI program on the market today.Donald Lacy, president of Applied Computer Systems, Inc., wants to have a FileButler on every PC computer within the next two years.  He uses it everyday at work and home. This is his last project before retiring. What a task!

FileButler can collect, sort and  display more than 50,000 filenames on his old computer in about 1 minute. In these five columns, you can display five different types of filenames--doc(x), xls(x), .jpg, etc. of your choice. You can select the number of columns, each sorted six different ways. What a Butler!

FileButler eliminates looking for filenames, whether they are documents, pictures, spreadsheets--filenames of any file type. Five columns of files can be sorted and displayed six different ways--you simply Double-Click on the filename and it appears! Load, Save, View or Play with a single Double-Click!

You can drag pictures onto a document, copy words from a document into another, on one screen. FileButler eliminates you telling your computer where to save your files. Your Butler knows! You can view five different picture extensions on one screen--(jpg, bmp, .gif, etc.). Call your Butler by moving the mouse to either screen side of the screen. Simple. Fast. Easy.

The full version of FileButler (shown below) can display from 1 to 5 columns, each with a different type of file Extension. You click on filenames, drag pictures into documents or emails- - many more features! 
Try either FileButler and FileButler Lite from one download
FREE Trial Period -- 30 days 
For Multiple Copies, call Toll-Free 1-800-237-5465, M-F, 8-5 EST
To Download,   Click here

     Explore the World of FileButler      
FileButler, with one
Single/Double click or Drag can. . .
 To Launch FileButler – move mouse to 
left or right side of screen
  •  Launch any Filename
  •  Launch any Application Program
  • Launch Email
  • Launch Internet
  • Summon on-line Help
  • View a Picture(s)
  • Play a Song(s)
  • ​View Folders w/one Ext.
  • View folders w/multiple Ext.
  • Populate column w/different Ext.
  • Find Duplicate Filenames
  • Change number of Columns
  • Fill Column with any of 5 choices
  • Change size of column—X & Y
  • View file Path, Size, Date Stats
  And Much More
FileButler Lite -- $24.95  (XP, Vista, 7 & 8)
Two columns of possible five—Any Column can display Any Extension.
Operates with XP, Vista, 7 & 8
Return on Investment . . . Of all the products designed at Applied Computer Systems, Inc. in the past 42 years, this product has the highest ROI with a few days of practice! The learning curve is intuitive—a few days to a week. Each time you use FileButler saves dozens of keystrokes! Everything you need is on ONE-SCREEN. While performing all of the standard multiple-sequence of keystroke shortcuts the old way, you cannot beat a single or double clickFileButler is Simple in design. Fast to response. Easy to Use!

It is amazing how much time is wasted looking for and operating a computer! With less clicks you save time--that is equal to money. Savings of 8 minutes per work day (very realistic), and a wage of $15 per hour using FileButler for a year equals a savings of $522 per year-- a very good ROI  PER USER/EMPLOYEE. Savings of only 4 minutes per day is $261 per year.

Do the math calculations after one week of using FileButlerTry It!             
Download/Purchase on our Website --- Click Here

Single FileButler copy -- $49.95     Two FileButler copies -- $89.95 (Save 11%)  Microsoft XP, Vista & 7
FileButler Lite copy -- $24.95    Two FileButler Lite copies --  $44.95 (Save 11%) (Microsoft, Vista & 7)
Microsoft XP, Vista, 7 & 8

 Both Versions--30-Day Free Trial                      Free Updates for 2 years 

To Purchase Click Here 

FileButler Videos
Introduction --  ​4 Minute
How To Use -- 8 Minute